Triangular Pyramid

「Triangular Pyramid」

鈴木健太, 駒田六花, 福田雪子

2015.8.6 筑波大学芸術工房棟撮影スタジオ




"Triangular Pyramid"

Kenta Suzuki, Rokka Komada, Yuko Fukuda

2015.8.6 Tsukuba University Art Studio Studio Photography Studio

Created as the final task of the University of Tsukuba "computer art Ⅰ".

VJ works based on images centered on geometric figures projected on solid surfaces and planes. I made my own three dimensional screen object made of triangular pyramid and projected on three places, a triangular pyramid that jumps out in front and a triangular pyramid that jumps out to the back. I expressed the interestingness of the geometric figure distortion by the projection plane. The image to be projected is operated in real time by the keyboard of the personal computer.

I am in charge of programing (Processing), projection, VJ operation.

Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

It is a personal web page of Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu ) .


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