気づくと人が消えている絵画: SEKAI NO OWARI at Zepp DiverCity


鈴木健太, 金井啓太, 落合陽一


お台場Zepp DiverCity, SEKAI NO OWARIのライブ会場エントランスの演出として制作


プログラム(Processing)、画像加工(Adobe Photoshop)、投影を担当。

"When you notice, the paintings are disappearing"

Kenta Suzuki, Keita Kanai, Yoichi Ochiai


Produce for SEKAI NO OWARI live at Odaiba Zepp DiverCity as entrance decoration

At first sight, it looks like just a painting, but when I look closely, the flame in the painting shakes, and the painting disappears further. By projecting a color image on a picture printed in grayscale and further adjusting the ambient light, we realize to change the image of the projection like a painting. By using grayscale in the drawing, the contrast ratio of the screen is raised. In addition, by making a simulated lighting with the projector in the lighting position, we are showing strong lighting that is not really true. I devise such fine details to make contrast and reflection like painting, such as deception of eyes.

I am in charge of program (Processing), image processing (Adobe Photoshop), projection.

Photocredit: 保田敬介

記事:QREATOR AGENT, <落合陽一×SEKAI NO OWARI>ライブ会場に「魔法」をかける〜Zepp DiverCityを大改造! http://qreators.jp/content/253

Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

It is a personal web page of Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu ) .


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