Leaked Light Field from Everyday Material

「Leaked Light Field from Everyday Material: Designing material property remained light-field display」

高澤和希, 鈴木健太, 坂本慎司, 笹木隆一郎, 橋本淳邦, 落合陽一

Laval Virtual Awards 2016, Interfaces & Multi-purpose equipment部門賞受賞

POST PIXEL & MEDIA at うめきたフェスティバル2016, Ars Electronica Festival 2016: Artist Lab Yoichi Ochiai, 県北芸術祭, Image and Matter by Yoichi Ochiai Cyber Arts and Science towards Digital Nature, Media Ambition Tokyo 2017にて展示

SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Poster, Augmented Human 2017に採択


「Leaked Light Field from Everyday Material: Designing material property remained light-field display」

Kazuki Takazawa, Kenta Suzuki, Shinji Sakamoto,  Ryuichiro Sasaki, Yoshikuni Hashimoto, Yoichi Ochiai

This project was awarded for the Laval Virtual Awards 2016 in the category: Interfaces & Multi-purpose equipment.

Exhibited at POST PIXEL & MEDIA at Umekita Festival 2016, Ars Electronica Festival 2016: Artist Lab Yoichi Ochiai, Image and Matter by Yoichi Ochiai Cyber Arts and Science towards Digital Nature, Kenpoku Art Festival and Media Ambition Tokyo 2017

Accept for SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Poster and Augmented Human 2017

Most of the surface material of displays around us have been limited to a smooth material such as glass or plastic. It isn’t possible to be embedded in an object by the natural appearance any more. We propose a new display that can change the material of the surface not only glass or plastic but also all materials like wooden board, grained board or mirror for conquer to the weak point of previous displays. The material which isn’t penetrated by the new display that we propose is done like a board. We make 100μm of pinhole in the surface of the board to through the ray from the backlight.

Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

It is a personal web page of Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu ) .


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