Flowing Boarder

「Flowing Boarder: Water in the Air, Air in the Water」

鈴木健太, 永野航洋, 靈鞍航平

2016.8.20 筑波大学春日エリア


水と空気、我々の身の周りで最も身近な物質の一つである。空気の中の水。水の中の空気。Flowing Boarderは2つの物質世界の境界で生じる現象を体験する装置です。


2016.8.20 University of Tsukuba Kasuga Area

Kenta Suzuki, Koyo Nagano, Kohei Tamakura

Created as a "Media Art" subject of the University of Tsukuba.

It is one of the most familiar substances around us, water and air. Water in the air. Air in the water. Flowing Boarder is a device to experience phenomena occurring at the boundary between two material worlds.

Water lens as an optical phenomenon at the two interfaces. Superhydrophobic as a mechanical phenomenon at the two interfaces. It is generated in the water flowing down in the air.

Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

It is a personal web page of Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu ) .


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